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OceanSITES posters at EGU2015

Published April 13th, 2015

The OceanSITES Data Management team have jointly produced a poster for the EGU 2015 . The abstract evolution was led by Maureen Pagnani (NOC,UK), but the graphic design has been led by Steve Diggs (SIO, USA), who will also be presenting the poster. Mike McCann (MBARI, USA), Marton Hidas (IMOS, Aus), and Nan Galbraith (WHOI, USA) have all contributed content to the abstract and poster, leading to a true global perspective on the subject - OceanSITES and Ocean Observatory harmonisation: past, present and future.

The abstract document is available here.

EGU2015 poster final 4 - 20150414

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